Will Microsoft Outlines Its Vision For Keeping A.i. In Check Ever Rule the World?


1 min read

Implementandbuildongovernment-ledAI safety frameworks, such as theNational Institute of Standards and Technology AI Risk Management Framework.

-Requiresafety breaks when AI is used to control critical infrastructure.

-Createa legal and regulatory framework for applications, advancedinfrastructuremodels,and AI infrastructure.

-Promotetransparency andfundacademic andnon-profitresearch.

-Buildpublic-private partnershipsinareassuchas democracy and workforceto address theimpactofAIon society.

Smith suggestedthatAI services should adopttheframeworkofthe financial services sector: Know Your Customer, or KYC. Inotherwords,AI developersneedtoknow their cloud,theircustomers,andtheircontent to limitfraudulentor deceptive use.


new framework at an event in Washington, D.C., on Thursday. Itisthe latestmovebytheindustry'stopplayerstocallfor the government to create and enforce guardrails on how the technologyshouldbeused, asofficialsin theindustryarealarmedbythegraveconsequences of unregulated development.

Last week, Sam Altman, CEO ofOpenAI,the

developer of ChatGPT, askeda Senate subcommittee toprotectthetechnologyandenforcetheguardrails.Somemembersofthecommitteepraised Altman's openness to regulation,but aprominentresearcherinterviewedbyCNBC after the hearing warnedthatCongress shouldconsiderthevoices of various experts without beingoverlyinfluencedby proposalsdrivenby corporate interests

Microsoft has said itisinvesting billions of dollarsinOpenAIinanefforttobecomea leader in the field.